by David Grindle, GGM
Happy New Year, Companions, and welcome to the first issue of our on-line and email newsletter. This is one of several changes in communication that the General Grand council will be implementing during this Triennium. It is a method where we can bring together information from the General Grand Council elected officers, the Regional Deputies, and the Ambassadors, as well as anyone else that would like to contribute articles.
The General Grand Council has been busy attending Regional Conferences and accomplishing items that were approved at the Triennial in Portland. On a Saturday in October, Costa Rica Council #1 and the Grand Council of Central America were Constituted and the Officers installed. Also, Guadalajara Council #23 U.D. and the Grand Council of the United States of Mexico U.D. were instituted and the principal officers placed in their stations. Again in Libreville, Gabon, The Grand Council of Gabon was Constituted and the Officers installed. A meeting was held with the Gabonese Companions to discuss the requirements of General Grand Council and the procedures to be used to meet those requirements.
I’m finding in my travels that one of the biggest problems that exists is communication. This is a problem both from the top down as well as from the bottom up. The General Grand Council has a need to know what is happening in the individual Councils so that we can appropriately communicate from the top. Correspondingly, the Councils and Grand Councils need to know what is occurring in General Grand so that they can take action to implement suggestions. This is why we have tasked the Ambassadors to visit the Councils in their jurisdictions and to report on happenings in Councils that are drawing new members and affecting attendance in a positive manner.
I will be traveling to Constitute two more Grand Councils and there is a requirement to Institute a Subordinate Council under dispensation. These will be completed within the next six months.
Please check back often to the General Grand Website because changes will be occurring in the next few months.