Latin America Regional Recorder\’s Meeting – May 20, 2021
Submitted by Stephen Balke, General Grand Recorder, Cryptic Masons International
Cryptic Masons International Collar
Photo Credit; MIC John Bridegroom
On May 20, a conference call was held with the Latin America Regional Recorders. A summary of the call is below.
Central America
- Continues to experience travel restrictions.
- Still practicing social distancing due to Covid
- Meetings are electronic or postponed.
Estados Unidos
- June 6 – Election Day (Government)
- Covid is still presenting challenges and meeting publicly is expected to exacerbate the issue.
- MIGM has allowed in person meetings for Companions
- Councils are continuing to work virtually – once each month.
- Large list of Candidates awaiting Greeting.
- Continuing monthly meetings – virtual meetings. Attendance from Central/South American Countries.
- Degree work at the temple this Saturday, May 29, 2021. – Royal Arch Degrees.
- 7 Candidates
- Possibly more Companions and Brothers from the Dominican Republic
- Possibly a new York Rite Body in Dominican Republic
- Covid impact is decreasing – 5-6% –
- Physicians are expecting a 3rd wave.
- Working to preserve the economy through the anticipated wave.
- Vaccinating all people – almost 1MM vaccinated. (almost 25% of the population)
- Keeping social distancing in place.
- Travellers are tested for Covid on the way in or back into Panama.
- Most cases are in the West (Border with Costa Rica)
- Slowly opening up – combination of virtual and in person meetings.
- Travel is restricted and social distancing and practices are being practiced.
- Very restricted.
- Almost everything (meetings/etc.) is virtual.
- Very restricted.
- Everything is virtual.
- Vaccinating as fast as possible.
General Grand Council
- Need to share methods and practices for the re-opening that many of our organizations are experiencing.