CMMRF Fundraising in Challenging Times
Submitted by Right Illustrious Companion Todd Carpenter, CMMRF State Chairman, Indiana
RIC Todd Carpenter
CMMRF State Chairman, Indiana
The year of 2020 has proven to be one of obstacles. Among other things, the pandemic has made it difficult for fellowship within the cryptic rite. In most cases, we were not able to meet, and were suddenly forced to reinvent how we met. It was clear we needed to adapt to our climate if we wanted the fraternity to survive the extensive restrictions. Here in Indiana, Zoom calls and Web-Ex, and a variety of other video conferencing software, were utilized as the new standard by which we were able to conduct our business. While this acted as an acceptable temporary replacement for fellowship and business needs, it presented another challenge with regards to raising donations to CMMRF. How are we to continue to meet our fundraising goals, which are so important to the advances made by the CMMRF, when the usual avenues we use to generate donations may not be available?
In the first half of the year, for obvious reasons, Indiana appeared to be way behind in our goals. A serious comeback in donations was necessary to even get close to achieving those goals. We began to look for innovative ways to search for donations, to reach out to our Companions, and inspire them to give in these trying times. A unified effort was needed from the Companions of the state, the CMMRF State Chairman, and the Grand Council itself, each doing their part to realize our objectives. Now that the year is behind us, I am pleased to report that, not only did we make a comeback, but we also exceeded 2019’s donations. The companions should be applauded for this, and it is a testament to their dedication. Everyone who donated, embraced the new initiatives, supported new programs, and stepped up to your obligation of Charity, and should be commended for rising to the challenge and rising above the limits imposed by a Pandemic. From the local individual to the organization as a whole, it was the ability to work together, unified, and setting aside friendly competition for the greater goal of supporting the Cryptic Masons Medical Research Foundation that has made this year a success despite its challenges. It has made me exceedingly proud to be involved in an organization such as Cryptic Masonry and the CMMRF.
While 2020 can be marked as a success, now is not the time for resting. 2021 is proving to have just as many challenges, and uncertainty still looms ahead. The pandemic still has us restricted and communicating to the craft is going to be a challenge while under those restrictions. You may not be able to meet in person, holding Table Councils and fundraising dinners may not be an option. The unfamiliar world of video conferencing may need to be reimagined to drive some fundraising efforts. Creative projects to raise funds in your jurisdiction might prove successful with the right Companions behind them. The General Grand Council is encouraging the jurisdictions state chairmen to share ideas and support each other. While each jurisdiction has its own goals and its own unique dynamic, we should all strive to work together with the greater goal in mind, supporting the Cryptic Masons Medical Research Foundation and ensuring it remains one of the greatest Masonic Charities we have.
RIGS and CMMRF State Chairman
Grand Council of Cryptic Masons of the State of Indiana