News From The Ninth Arch

2018 – 25 New SEMs in France!

Patrick ROUX
Ambassador to France


Twenty-five new Super Excellent Masters in France!

On Saturday, November 10, 2018, a ceremony \’SUPER EXCELLENT MASTER\’ was held at the Temple of NARBONNE.

70 companions from all over France (the 7 councils were present), met for this ceremony, which allowed 25 companions to receive this degree.

The Right Puissant Companion Michel C. SABATIER Most Illustrious Grand Master of GCCAF and the Most Excellent Companion Gerard RAIOLA Grand High Priest of GCARAF, honored by their presence this day dedicated to the York Rite and particularly to the Cryptic degrees.


Great Degree Work by Cryptic Council #6

It is with great talent that the Cryptic Council #6 “l’Amitié à l’épreuve” performed this magnificent ceremony.

Our Most Illustrious Grand Master Michel C. SABATIER expressed his satisfaction on the work done by the companions and on the dynamism of the Cryptic Councils of France which translate into eloquent figures: 158 Companions in 2017,  180 companions in 2018.

A dinner closed the day when 45 companions met, dinner that was also an opportunity to celebrate the 25 years of masonry of our Most Illustrious Grand Master, who was very moved by the cake made in his honor.


MIGM is celebrating 25 years of Masonry and 25 new Super Excellent Masters!
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