August 2021

Our Crypt Preserves

Our Crypt Preserves By Most Illustrious Companion John D. Barnes Past Most Illustrious Grand Master and Grand Treasurer, Grand Council of New Jersey Crypt (Wikimedia) Companions, You hate it when someone else knows something you don’t and doesn’t tell you what it is. When you were a kid, there was always someone who taunted you

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Albert G. Mackey on Adonhiramite Freemasonry

Albert G. Mackey on Adonhiramite FreemasonryProvided by the Oklahoma Chapter and Council Education E-Newsletter ( from the According to Mackey Column in the May 2021 Issue Albert Mackey (Public Domain) Of the numerous controversies which arose from the middle to near the end of the eighteenth century on the Continent of Europe, and especially in France,

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Golden Handcuffs

Golden Handcuffs By Most Illustrious Companion John D. Barnes Past Most Illustrious Grand Master and Grand Treasurer, Grand Council of New Jersey Handcuffs (Public Domain) In the business world, “Golden Handcuffs” refers to giving someone a large reward for joining a company, but which they would have to pay back if they left before an

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Adoniram: A Hypothesis

Adoniram: A HypothesisProvided by the Oklahoma Chapter and Council Education E-Newsletter ( from the Articles and Papers Column in the May 2021 Issue The Cryptic Vault by Edgar JonesThis article originally appeared in Ars Quatuor Coronatorum (107). Not the least of the mysteries which perplex the freemason is the sudden appearance in the Installation Ceremony

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Passing of RIC Jack Hourguettes Jr., 1951-2021

Right Illustrious Companion Jack Hourguettes Jr., Deputy Grand Grand Master, Grand Council of MIssissippiNovember 24, 1951 to July 19, 2021 Jack Hourguettes, Jr., 1951 – 2021Deputy Grand Master, Grand Council of Mississippi Jack Hourguettes, Jr. passed away on Monday, July 19, 2021, at his home in Florence, Mississippi. He was 69 years and was serving

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