News From The Ninth Arch

Veteran\’s Day

Veteran\’s Day
By Companion Jack A. Holloway
Illustrous Associate Grand Chaplain, Grand Council of Florida

United States Flag (Public Domainn)


\”His master said to him, \’Well done, good and faithful servant;\” Matthew 25:21

\”In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for thou alone, O LORD, makest me dwell in safety.\” Psalm 4:8


November 11, 1918, was officially the end of World War One. Many countries designated this date as Armistice Day to commemorate the end of the War. Since we know that \”The War to End All Wars\” did not in fact live up to its name, in 1954 America changed the name of our national holiday to Veterans Day. This reflects our respect for the honor, courage, and suffering of those who have borne the brunt of battle on many fronts for our land and our liberties. Let us remember and pray for ALL our Veterans, for as writer Jose Narosky penned it, \”In war, there are no unwounded soldiers\”. All gave some and some gave all. Let us say to the veterans out there – \”Thank you for your service\”!

Eternally Faithful Father, help us to not forget the fallen and keep under Thy protecting care those who are wounded and those who still fight on. Amen.

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