June 2020

Larry Gillespie

Southeast Region Happenings

Southeast Region HappeningsSubmitted by Stephen Balke, General Grand Recorder, Cryptic Masons International Larry Gillespie Southeast Regional Deputy General Grand Master On June 29, a regional conference call was held wih the Southeast Region Region Grand Recorders. These calls will be mentioned in the Decryption as a way to nofify every Companion of what is happening […]

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The Circle of Perfection

The Circle of Perfection By Most Illustrious Companion John D. Barnes Past Most Illustrious Grand Master and Grand Treasurer, Grand Council of New Jersey The Circle of PerfectionPhoto Credit: mastermason.com   \’When evil men plot, good men must plan. When evil men burn and bomb, good men must build and bind. When evil men shout

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The Degree of Select Master

The Degree of Select Master By Companion Scott A. Schwartzberg, Guest AuthorSubmission to the General Grand Council Education Committee Companion Scott A. Schwartzberg Without the Royal and Select Master degrees, neither the Master Mason degree nor the Royal Arch degree is complete, for these degrees account for the concealment and preservation of the treasures revealed

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We Are Masons

We Are Masons By Most Illustrious Companion John D. Barnes Past Most Illustrious Grand Master and Grand Treasurer, Grand Council of New Jersey TrowelPhoto Credit: OpenClipart   \’Let us not say, Every man is the architect of his own fortune; but let us say, Ever man is the architect of his own character.\’ -George Dana

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The Surface of Life

The Surface of Life By Companion Jack A. HollowayIllustrous Associate Grand Chaplain, Grand Council of Florida Earth as seen from the Moon Photo Credit: Wikimedia   Surely You desire integrity in the inner self, and You teach me wisdom deep within. Psalm 51:6 (HCSB) Companions, As I was reading this verse, the Council degrees and

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Use Your Apron

Use Your Apron By Most Illustrious Companion John D. Barnes Past Most Illustrious Grand Master and Grand Treasurer, Grand Council of New Jersey Cryptic ApronPhoto Credit: Michele Balke   \’I think the hard thing about all these tools is that it takes a fair amount of effort to become proficient.\’ -Bill Jay My Companion: There\’s

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